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End of Summer sidewalk sale!


Side walk sale
Cheryl has been clearing out the store to make way for all the new collections arriving.
Friday Sept 27 9am - 5pm
Saturday Sept 28 9am - 4 pm
Now we all know when Cheryl wants to have an outside sale it rains, so bring your umbrella.
Purchases over $25 will qualify for the Bingo card beginning in December. (if you haven't heard prizes are doubled)
Only while quantites last
Many items reduces to clear
Many Panels on clearance for $5.00
Contact Info
  • Ph: (519) 776-1100
  • 2400 Highway #3 Oldcastle,
    Ontario Canada
    • Mon: 10am - 5pm
    • Tues: 10am -5pm
    • Wed - Fri: 10am - 5pm
    • Saturday: 10am - 4pm
    • Sunday: Closed
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